Head Office: 01293 400 720   |   City Office: 020 7190 9589   |  

Envisage innovative
solutions for business

Assessment of application portfolio, skills, architectural complexities, governance and controls to gain prioritised strategic intent and imperatives

IT Strategy

Our approach and recommendations are highly customised and lead to practical actions. There is no single off-the-shelf solution that will meet all requirements. Qual provides a practical evolution path based on our continuum of service offerings and roadmap. We help organisations adapting new information technologies, transform existing technologies and capture the opportunities for the future. We know that fast and ever-changing business and technology demands impact the entire enterprise, we take a holistic approach to strategy, people, processes and technology to take care of these strains.


Qual has extensive experience in supporting global organisations and has proven experience in global delivery. Beyond technical capabilities, Qual mobilises the people, resources, methodologies, and delivery mechanisms necessary to make your entire infrastructure more stable, predictable, reliable, and performance oriented. By leveraging this concept and experience, our customers will benefit from the common and global service standardisation and an associated controlled cost-of-ownership environment.

What every organisation needs is a single business strategy, and the business stakeholders should take part to provoke debate and extend capabilities. Our approach brings clarity and direction to the provision of your IT services and delivers more predictable outcomes. By developing experience in other people, you can reduce the pressure and can focus on areas that will really make a difference in terms of competitive advantage.

The modern day to day pressure of business requirements can be a battle field.
Utilising Qual Professional Services experts, project delivery and partner network
at the planning and development stage secures victory on all axis


Engaging early with all areas of your business IT, Procurement, Finance and stake holders where required to ensure the realisation and delivery of your project

Dosicovery & Scope
Discovery & Scope

Sizing and positioning the best of breed technologies to enable your business needs, within budget and future proofing your infrastructure resilience

Proof of Concept

Demonstrate working solutions across multiple partner technologies


Logistical deployment parameters ensuring seamless delivery


Positioning the solution back within your business at all levels

Project Delivery

Prince II mythology, delivered on time and on budget

In military theory, strategy is "the utilisation during both peace and war, of all of the nation's forces, through large scale, long-range planning and development to ensure security and victory"

Contact Qual Consulting

Qual Professional Services is armed with knowledge around IT strategy and partnered with major vendors in the industry specialised to help realise a number of benefits that can be derived from gaining intelligent insights into data coming from devices.

Qual consultants are available to discuss, please feel free to
call us at +44(0) 1293 400 720