Head Office: 01293 400 720   |   City Office: 020 7190 9589   |  

Understand your
cloud enablement

We can develop your go-to-cloud strategy with a comprehensive
breath of knowledge across the spectrum of infrastructure technologies

Cloud and Virtualisation

Qual’s cloud and virtualisation solutions team engage with organisations to assist in developing a go-to-cloud strategy followed by a cloud enablement service. We believe in guiding IT operational efficiency and service agility.

We believe in holding our customers to help them define where the adoption of cloud services will support their business, building a business case supported strategy and a road-map for transformation.

Our proposed solution takes your application and workload performance & impact, diversity, integration and interface into consideration before a future state architectural design and a roadmap for change is delivered supported by a business justification.

Qual provides professional services positioning experienced cloud professionals with a comprehensive breadth of knowledge across the spectrum of infrastructure technologies.

Excellent Professionals experienced in:

Networking, UNIX & Linux, storage, data backup, migration, recovery and virtualisation

Proficient in handling multiple worksteams at various stages in their life cycle

Embracing cloud services compliance, data security, and threat protection

Assuring supplier & internal designs and documentation

Managing roadmaps alongside other activities

Completing solution architecture documentation

Contact Qual Consulting

Qual Professional Services is armed with knowledge around cloud & virtualisation and partnered with major vendors in the industry specialised to help realise a number of benefits that can be derived from gaining intelligent insights into data coming from devices.

Qual consultants are available to discuss, please feel free to
call us at +44(0) 1293 400 720